Counseling and Technology

Technology has altered the way that people live, and it has certainly changed the way that counselors practice. From gaining the skills needed to work in the field to advocating for change to a global audience, technology and the internet has made it easier to engage.
Five ways that technology is changing counseling practice are:
- Extends your reach. Counselors are effective networkers, in most instances, and the internet expands potential resources, access to information, and broadens your reach to provide optimal care for the clients that you serve. It also allows for some clever marketing strategies and social media opportunities; the vast readership makes it pragmatic to post and educate clients through social media pages and profiles. It is possible to reach out and make a connection with others without ever stepping foot outside your office.
- Provides continuity in care. Computer technology streamlines medical information, and makes it easier for practitioners to provide a continuum of care. Previously, counselors needed to rely on their clients for thorough and accurate histories, so it makes it far easier for the counselor to obtain collateral information related to services and treatment. It is also easier for the counselor to reach out to clients and contract for safety with high-risk consumers, if needed.
- Brings the client to you. One of the biggest reasons why clients don’t utilize therapy or counseling relates to access and availability. Technology brings about a whole new world with remote therapy; your client needs to do no more than sit at their computer to attend their session! This may also curb transportation issues and costs that deter some clients from making their appointments.
- Meets an unmet demand. With this emerging technology and remote style of service provision, there is bound to be ample opportunities for practitioners in the field. As more clients find counseling not just helpful, but also viable from home, there will be a need for more licensed, qualified counselors to meet this unmet demand. Predicted growth for the field of counseling and social work is among the highest industry that there is, with an expected rise for licensed professionals that shows no sign of slowing in the coming years.
- Makes higher education feasible. College just simply isn’t feasible for some individuals, parents, employees, and others attempting to juggle various responsibilities and commitments. Online education makes it possible to expand career horizons, but without the time, energy, and resources required to attend a traditional college campus. There are expanding opportunities for burgeoning counselors with online degree programs, and this could be the most practical way for non-traditional students to return to school and improve their vocational situations. The flexibility afforded by online educational prospects helps students thrive and succeed.
Technology has left its mark on the field of mental health counseling, and it is now possible to obtain your MSED in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from accredited institutions, such as St. Bonaventure University Online. It makes sense to take advantage of online platforms, resources, and offerings to provide better overall care and treatment for clients, and technology helps counselors do this on a much grander scale.