Sports Journalism

Jack Milko Blog
Jack Milko Blog
Jack Milko Blog

Social Media Storytelling Masterclass by Jack Milko

This masterclass discusses industry change over time and why it’s essential to try new things and keep your audience front of mind. Our program goes beyond traditional journalism skills, allowing ... Read more

acejmc accreditation
Q&A with Rayna Banks - Senior Managing Producer at ESPN
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko

Ethics in Journalism Masterclass by Jack Milko

Learn from award-winning investigative journalists Charlie Specht and Joe Enoch in Jack Milko's Masterclass on Ethics in Journalism. Discover how they report on sensitive and difficult matters while ... Read more
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko
Student Spotlight Series SBU: Jack Milko

Student Spotlight: Jack Milko

This Student Spotlight features Jack Milko's experience so far in SBU's online master's in Sports Journalism.Read more
SBU Q&A with Tim Bontemps
SBU Q&A with Tim Bontemps
SBU Q&A with Tim Bontemps

Q&A with Tim Bontemps - NBA Writer at ESPN

Tim Bontemps has held roles at The Washington Post and New York Post, providing daily NBA coverage. We recently caught up with Tim to pick his brain about life at ESPN and what sports journalists can ... Read more
How Today’s Journalists Can Meet Sports Fans Where They Are
How Today’s Journalists Can Meet Sports Fans Where They Are
How Today’s Journalists Can Meet Sports Fans Where They Are

The Future of Sports Journalism

Learn how the straightforward manner of reporting on sports & game action has shifted to personality-driven sports journalism.Read more
The Importance of Ethics in Journalism
The Importance of Ethics in Journalism
The Importance of Ethics in Journalism

The Importance of Ethics in Journalism

Learn more about the importance of ethics in journalism and how the next generation of digital journalists can be advocates of truth.Read more
is journalism a good career path?
how to get into journalism
how to get into journalism
how to get into journalism

How to Get into Journalism

Aspiring journalists may wonder how they can get into journalism and achieve success in the current media landscape. The following steps are essential for anyone interested in becoming a journalist.Read more


The formation of my business took place while I was enrolled in the MBA program, so every class was applicable to something I needed to know. My MBA concentration was in marketing, and the marketing courses really helped me to establish my company’s brand and build a reputation in the community. Even after two years in business, I use marketing metrics and client feedback every day to better understand my target market and how to reach them.

Theodora Turner
MBA 2018
Founder and Owner, Anchor Advisors