Why Cyber Security is Important

The need for cyber security specialists is growing. Stories of data breaches and identity thefts are on the rise. This need is driving growth, but the industry is facing a tremendous talent shortage. A major reason for this is that the specialized field of security needs a skilled workforce. We need more advanced programs in cybersecurity to help develop critical skills and create an employable workforce.
Why we need help
Technology is evolving and an integral part of our lives. Social media, shopping, online payments are part of the daily routine. What's more, now we have our medical records and banking information online as well. Smart homes are on the rise. We are always on the lookout for better devices, more seamless and hassle-free online experiences. We are connected all the time, and that means our information is at risk. We need experts to implement counter responses and preventive measures for network hacks.
Combating data breaches
Companies are still hiring people with traditional technology credentials in computer science or information systems. With an increasing number of personal and professional data at risk, businesses need people with the specialized skills to maintain and combat threats to cyber security. Advanced training and knowledge are essential for safeguarding a company in this complex technological world.
We need cyber defense at all levels
In today’s connected world, cyber defense is a necessity. For individuals, it means protection from extortion, identity thefts and loss of sensitive data. At the corporate level, it means protection of people and financial information. At the federal level, it means protecting critical infrastructures such as power plants, hospitals, and financial services that keep society functioning.
Cybercriminals are getting bolder and more sophisticated. They are becoming increasingly more organized and aggressive. Cybercrime is now a $445 billion business. The teams fighting these attacks have limited resources. They need the technology and skilled workforce to take on the challenges of this complex world and defend our assets.
A career in cyber security
The future of security lies in training the next generation of security specialists. This is a great time to consider a career in cyber security. With millions of jobs available, the market is strong for qualified candidates. An advanced degree or training in this rapidly evolving field will open an array of opportunities.
Hackers are coming up with new ways to disrupt service, infiltrate data systems, and steal our information. Demand for skilled cyber security professionals will only increase over time.
St. Bonaventure University’s online Master of Science in Cybersecurity is an innovative program that helps students develop real-world cyber security skills. They work with active cyber security professionals and engage in hands-on learning opportunities. Cloud-based labs offer a safe immersive experience to learn real cyber security challenges. SBU is a partner with the EC-Council and CISCO Academy, experts with first-hand knowledge of the skill and competency gaps in the current workforce.