Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Clinical mental health counselor with young male client
mental breakdown
mental breakdown
mental breakdown

Celebrity Mental Breakdown Proves No One is Immune

Celebrities like Kanye West and Selena Gomez with mental health issues, including mental breakdown, are helping destigmatize mental illness and demonstrate treatable mental health conditions are very ... Read more
Counseling and Technology
Counseling and Technology
Counseling and Technology

Counseling and Technology

Technology has altered the way that people live, and it has certainly changed the way that counselors practice. From gaining the skills needed to work in the field to advocating for change to a ... Read more


St. Bonaventure is a special place that nurtures and develops a student's whole self, and not just their career skills. There are a lot of places where one can prepare for a career, but St. Bonaventure is uniquely positioned to develop students who are then prepared to both do well and do good in the world.

Eric Fisher
Newsletter Writer
Front Office Sports